Pakistan signed the joint implementation with Turkmenistan of the gas pipeline project between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (TAPI).
The TAPI pipeline project involves the construction of 1,800 km of pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India to export up to 33 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually.
The gas produced from the Galkenesh gas field in Turkmenistan will be transported to Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.
The operational life is expected to be 30 years, the project is developed by consortium, TAPI Pipeline Company Limited.
The project dates back to December 2010, following the signing of an intergovernmental agreement and framework agreements for Turkmenistan’s gas pipeline between India, Afghanistan and Pakistan for the development of the pipeline.
The project’s construction began in 2015. However, instability in Afghanistan has led to little progress in the pipeline’s work.